All over the news, “they” keep saying that single women vote Democrat and married women vote Republican. Where do “they” come up with this stuff?
Personally, I am sick of being told that I should be one way or another because I fit a certain demographic. The ubiquitous they feel the need to pigeon hole us into convenient little boxes to make their lives easier.
As a young single woman who has never been married nor have any children, I wholeheartedly resent being thought as though I have no mind of my own. All I am supposed to care about is “reproductive rights,” which actually means access to birth control.
There are those out there who feel that being able to hand out birth control like candy (well more than candy because candy is now a no-no food) will solve all problems. I hate to break it to you, but it does not. Contraceptives are against some religions. Plus, they may lead to other health issues in the long run.
Nowhere in these reproductive diatribes does it mention contracting diseases, a lot of which are incurable. Neither do they mention personal responsibility for one’s actions or just having plain old self-respect. It is as if all single women are expected to sleep with every man they meet. And, if they get pregnant because of the liaison, it is okay because they can just get an abortion, then move forward with their promiscuous ways.
Abortion should not be used as birth control nor should it be used as a form of gendercide. “Reproductive rights” as an issue seems to be a pass to be egregiously careless. We care not about our own selves. If we cannot care about ourselves, then how do we care about others?
Is this the society in which we wish to live? Is it already surrounding us? Can we do anything to change it? Are we doomed because the ones controlling the message do not want to take responsibility for their own actions or words?
They who wish to draw demonstrative graphics for stereotypes should look at the bigger picture before making a mess with indelible ink.
Personally, I am sick of being told that I should be one way or another because I fit a certain demographic. The ubiquitous they feel the need to pigeon hole us into convenient little boxes to make their lives easier.
As a young single woman who has never been married nor have any children, I wholeheartedly resent being thought as though I have no mind of my own. All I am supposed to care about is “reproductive rights,” which actually means access to birth control.
There are those out there who feel that being able to hand out birth control like candy (well more than candy because candy is now a no-no food) will solve all problems. I hate to break it to you, but it does not. Contraceptives are against some religions. Plus, they may lead to other health issues in the long run.
Nowhere in these reproductive diatribes does it mention contracting diseases, a lot of which are incurable. Neither do they mention personal responsibility for one’s actions or just having plain old self-respect. It is as if all single women are expected to sleep with every man they meet. And, if they get pregnant because of the liaison, it is okay because they can just get an abortion, then move forward with their promiscuous ways.
Abortion should not be used as birth control nor should it be used as a form of gendercide. “Reproductive rights” as an issue seems to be a pass to be egregiously careless. We care not about our own selves. If we cannot care about ourselves, then how do we care about others?
Is this the society in which we wish to live? Is it already surrounding us? Can we do anything to change it? Are we doomed because the ones controlling the message do not want to take responsibility for their own actions or words?
They who wish to draw demonstrative graphics for stereotypes should look at the bigger picture before making a mess with indelible ink.
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